
How to calculate percentage in Excel

Excel can calculate percentages quickly and practically. The Microsoft program has formatting specific to type data, preventing you from having to multiply the result by 100 and manually entering the percent symbol (%). For example, you can also set the value of the divisor in a formula to calculate the percentage of entire worksheets by dragging a single cell.

10 Excel Tips and Tricks

In the following tutorial, find some ways to calculate percentage in Excel. The procedure was performed in the latest version of Office 2016, but the tips are also valid for users of previous editions of the Microsoft program.

Check out tips on how to calculate percentage in Excel

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Step 1. Select the cells in which the percentages will be calculated and set the "Percentage" option. This helps in formatting the cell, avoiding you need to multiply the result by 100 and manually enter the "%" sign;

Formatting cells for percentage calculation

Step 2. Now, one of the ways to calculate the percentage is by dividing the desired number by the total. To do this, enter the equal sign ("=") at the beginning of the line and enter the data. Use the "/" bar to indicate the split. After pressing Enter, the result will be automatically calculated and displayed as a percentage;

Calculating a percentage manually

Step 3. Another way to calculate a percentage is by selecting the cells in the worksheet. In this case, enter the equal sign ("=") at the beginning of the line and click on the desired data;

Calculating percentage from cells

Step 4. If you want to calculate the percentage of an entire column, you can set the total (divisor). That way, when you drag the cell, only the dividend will vary. To do this, simply enter the monetary symbol ("$") between the letter and the number of the cell you want to fix;

Setting the divider value

Step 5. After that, select the cell with the percentage formula. Then click on the dot in the lower right corner and drag down or up. The percentage of all rows in the table will be calculated automatically.

Drag the formula from the cell to calculate the percentage automatically

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