
How to cancel sending a message in Instagram

Instagram allows users to delete a message after sending it to a friend or group via direct. Available on iPhone (iOS) and Android version of the application, the feature is similar to WhatsApp and is ideal for anyone who has regretted sending a compromising message. It also serves to correct possible mistakes without the person noticing. The action leaves no trace or notices to any of the participants in the conversation.

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Unlike other apps like WhatsApp, the option to delete the message is always available, even after the person has viewed the conversation. That is, there is no deadline to delete messages after sending. Check out how to delete messages sent to friends or groups on Instagram Direct.

How to view Instagram Direct messages from the PC

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Step 1. Open Instagram and touch the Direct icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then access one of your conversations;

Action to access a conversation in Instagram

Step 2. Hold down the message to be deleted and choose the option "Cancel sending";

Action to cancel sending a message in Instagram Direct

Step 3. The action leaves no trace in the chat, as in the message we present below.

Deleted message in an Instagram Direct conversation

Use the hint to delete any messages you have sent to a contact on Instagram Direct.

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