
How to Release New Characters in Agents of Mayhem

Agents of MAYHEM, a game developed by Volition (also made the Saints Row series) and available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, has a very considerable cast: in total there are 12 characters available - 14 if we also count the advance purchase DLCs . Each has its own characteristics and special ability. The idea is for players to find their favorite trio of protagonists to face LEGION's enemies

Meet Agents of Mayhem, new game from the creators of Saints Row

At first, only three are released, while the others are appearing through specific missions that appear in the game menu. The more you advance, the more characters will be available, also bringing elements to the story and beautiful animations along the way.

Check out this tutorial how to release new characters in Agents of MAYHEM:

Player starts Agents of Mayhem with only three characters

Step 1. Access the mission menu. This can be done at any time by pressing the Touchpad on the PlayStation 4 controller or the View button on the Xbox One joystick;

Agents of Mayhem menu can be accessed at any time

Step 2. When accessing the option, you will see all the tasks available in the game. The ones that enable new characters appear under the "Recruitment" division;

Missions serve to free characters in Agents of Mayhem

Step 3. Note among the rewards of each mission the presence of an icon of a character. If there is the caption "Agent", this is one of the missions in which a hero can be released.

Protagonists appear among the rewards of the Agents of Mayhem missions

In some cases, story goals are also used to make new heroes available, as is Daisy, whose plot intertwines with the plot of Agents of Mayhem. Here, it is enough to continue advancing in the main objectives through the division "Operations of LEGION" to release the protagonists.

Agents of Mayhem campaign missions may also release characters

Whatever the method for releasing agents, they will always be available on the squad selection screen before the start of each phase. The points of evolution are always divided between heroes, except in individual missions. In this case, only the character used gains experience.

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