
How to show percentage of battery in Moto G5 and G5 Plus

The Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus have a hidden feature that allows you to show the percentage of the battery in the top bar. The trick is not enabled by default on your phone, and is located in a hidden menu on your smartphone.

When enabled, it shows the actual amount of load, next to the vertical bar you already know. With this, you can get a better sense of how much left to use during the day without having to open the Android quick-button curtain. See step-by-step and learn how to show the remaining battery percentage on Motorola phones.

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Step 1. Scroll down the cell phone notification curtain and hold down the gear icon to enable the menu called "System Tuner UI". Access the new option.

Activate the tuner in the Moto G5 settings

Step 2. Under "Status Bar", scroll the page to the end and tap "Battery".

Access the status bar options in the Moto G5

Step 3. Select the "Always show percentage" option and return to the home screen. You will see in the top bar that the battery icon now displays a number. It is the remaining quantity, in percentage.

Activate the percentage of the battery in the Moto G5

It is worth remembering that the percentage already appears when the device is charging, so what the function does is to keep the information at any time. The feature can be turned on and off whenever the user wishes. The same goes for the tuner menu - to remove it, just keep the gear icon pressed once more.

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