Blue screen in Windows 10 after updating KB4464330? See how to solve

The KB4464330 update for Windows 10 is causing blue screen death on some HP computers. The issue occurs in the April 2018 Update (1803) and October 2018 (1809) issues, and is related to compatibility with the keyboard driver. While the flaw is being investigated, Microsoft has decided to cease distribution of the update due to another serious bug that erases PC files without user authorization.

However, HP users who have updated the machine report that they can no longer power up the PC. If your computer has been affected, please see how to resolve the issue. The procedure is to enter a command line to remove the defective file installed by the update. Check out the step-by-step details below.

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Learn how to resolve the blue screen of death after you install update KB4464330

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Step 1. Turn on your computer. Since the system is not starting properly, you will see a screen called "Auto repair". In it, press "Advanced options";

Open advanced settings

Step 2. Then select the "Troubleshooting" option;

Go into troubleshooting

Step 3. On the next screen, check "Advanced Options";

Click on the indicated option

Step 4. Finally, press "Command Prompt";

Open Command Prompt

Step 5. Type "ren C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ HpqKbFiltr.sys HpqKbFiltr.sys.old" (without quotation marks) in the Command Prompt and press Enter. In case of an error, replace the letter C (from "ren C: \\") with D or E. It may vary depending on the partition where the system is installed on your PC;

Enter the indicated command

Step 6. Close the Command Prompt window and select "Continue." Your computer will restart and Windows 10 should work normally.

Restart your computer

Notebook turning off after Windows update; what to do? Exchange tips in the Forum.

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