
Using the Nubank Virtual Card

Nubank offers its customers the option of "Virtual Card", which allows you to use an alternative card to make your purchases or subscriptions online with greater security. The feature generates a numbering different from that available on the day-to-day physical card. The solution is ideal for those who do not want to expose this data online if they are afraid of falling into a coup, fake store or leaking financial information.

The advantage is that the virtual card can be blocked or erased at any time, thus canceling its numbering and future purchases. Here's how to activate it from the official mobile app.

Virtual Nubank card can be canceled at any time; physical credit card numbering is still valid

How to create a NuConta in the Nubank app

Step 1. Open the Nubank app on your phone and drag the screen to the left side until you find the main menu with the features of the app. Then find the "Virtual Card" button.

Access the virtual card in the Nubank application

Step 2. Enter your card password (four digits) to release the feature. Your Nubank virtual card will be displayed on the screen. Note that it has its own numbering. There is also the complementary data, such as your name, expiration date and security code, required for online purchases.

Enter your password to generate the Nubank virtual card in the app by mobile phone

Step 3. To complete the functions, be aware that the virtual card can be blocked if you want to leave it "suspended" for a while. To do this, confirm with "Block". No new purchases will be approved until the card is unlocked. It can still be erased if you no longer need it. Just confirm in "Delete". It is possible to generate another version at any time.

You can block or delete the Nubank virtual card

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