
How to change the administrator of a group in WhatsApp

WhatsApp lets you add and change administrators for a group in a few steps. The feature, featured in the iPhone version (iOS) and Android smartphones, is ideal for groups of companies or other activities where members are replaced periodically.

Choosing new members and appointing new managers is an action that only current administrators of a group can perform. Learn how to manage the administrators of a group in the following tutorial. The procedure was performed on an iPhone 7 with iOS 11, but also serves Android.

Tutorial shows you how to add new members and name them as administrators of a WhatsApp group

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Step 1. Enter the conversation and tap the group name at the top of the screen. Then go to "Add Participants."

Action to access the screen to add participants to a WhatsApp group

Step 2. Enter the name of the contact and select it. In the next window, touch "Add".

Action to add a contact in a WhatsApp group

Step 3. Touch "Add again" to have the person added to the group. Go back to the group view and tap on the person's name to access the settings for the member.

Action to add a new member and open settings for a person in a WhatsApp group

Step 4. Choose "Make Group Admin" and see the confirmation of the new role in the group participants screen.

Action to make a new admin member of a WhatsApp group

Use the hint to choose new administrators to manage your WhatsApp groups.

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