
How to download mods to the game Space Engineers

Space Engineers is a game of the sandbox genre about exploration, construction and survival in space and other planets. The game is available for PC on Steam with multiplayer mode and constant updates with more content. However, you do not have to wait for an update to customize the game. Here's how to download mods from the Steam Workshop.

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How to download mods from Steam Workshop

Step 1. Open Steam on your computer and click on the Space Engineers game in the game library. On the game page you will see the "Links" menu. Click on the "Community Central" option;

Here's how to download mods for Space Engineers

Step 2. Next, at the top of the screen, click the "Workshop / Workshop" tab to be redecorated to the page dedicated to the mods;

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Step 3. Choose the mod you want to install and click the "Subscribe / Subscribe" button. The mod will be automatically downloaded to your game;

Click Sign up to download the mod

Step 4. To use the mods in the game, open Space Engineers and click on "New Game". Select "Custom Game" and then click "Mods".

In the game, you will see a list of the modifications you downloaded in Steam Workshop (Avaible Mods). To add them at startup, switch the mods to the forward column (Active Mods), as in the image below;

Mods must be enabled before starting a new game

Step 5. Click OK. Okay, you can already use them in the new game.

If the mod you installed did not appear, click "Refresh" to have the game search for it again. In the "Browse Workshop" option you can view and download the mods without leaving the game. However, for some files to work, you must restart the game.

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