Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite: Complete Guide to Getting Well in Fights

Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite is the new release of the fighting genre available for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The title gathers heroes from video games and comics from two universes, such as Chun Li, Mega Man, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and more. In addition, the game has new combat systems such as Joias do Infinito, advanced defenses among other possibilities. Although it is complex for those who want to be professional, it is possible to learn the basics and get on with the clashes online or even in versus versus location. Learn tips and see our complete guide:

Read the review of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Basic Commands

You have to start at the beginning and know what the basic Marvel commands are. Capcom Infinite: weak punch, strong punch, weak kick, strong kick. These are the simplest strokes and are mapped to the buttons on the control face, such as X, square, ball and triangle, on the PS4, or equivalent on Xbox One.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

The top buttons, L1, R1, or LB, RB, serve to activate the character exchange or use the power of the Jewel of Infinity. Triggers do not have great functions, other than joining commands, such as strong and weak punch at the same time

How to change character and attack at the same time

The character swap is pretty basic in the Marvel vs. Marvel series. Capcom is nothing new. With the press of a button, the player can switch between the two available heroes. It is worth mentioning that the substitute fighter already enters the ring attacking.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

The novelty, however, is due to the exchange with counterattack. To use it, you need to have at least two special filled bars. From there, while your active character is being struck by the opponent, simply hold the switch (R1 or RB) to perform the counterattack.


Everyone can throw their opponent into the air. It is a very useful fighting tool, since it allows you to start combos while the opponent is defenseless. To play it up, you must press the strong punch button and the directional down button at the same time.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

It is also possible to make the throw from automatic combos. Start by hitting the enemy with the weak punch (usually the square or equivalent button) and continue until the enemy climbs. Complete with a special.

Special automatic

By pressing the strong kick buttons and strong punch at the same time, the character launches an automatic special, also called "Hyper Combo". It requires at least one full custom bar to be activated.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Each fighter has at least one, specific, and its operation varies greatly. What matters is that Hyper Combo serves to get rid of trouble, although it is easy to avoid or defend, so do not always guarantee it.

Infinite Storm and the Infinite Storm Outbreak

The Joias do Infinito bring a new way to play in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite. We have already detailed the use of them in this article, separately, but it is always good to clarify how much they can change a battle.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Joias are part of the central gameplay of the game and playing without them is not an option, either in versus or online mode. Ideally, you train with each one and see which one suits your style of play most. Another alternative is knowing how to use two, one being a countermeasure to the opponent's choice.

Interrupt a jump to continue the attack

It is possible to surprise the enemy in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite interrupting his great jump to fit an attack. The double jump - performed by pressing twice up - allows you to reach a good height on the stage, but the idea here is to interrupt you in the middle, by surprise.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

To stop a jump press down in the middle of the second level, so your character will go down and hit whoever is underneath. In fact, this can also be done during the first level, but is more effective in the second level.

Advanced Defense

Advanced defense is another of Marvel's basic concepts. Capcom Infinite and mastering it is a good tip to win fights. Pressing kick and punch at the same time while blocking causes the opponent to be pushed and the character recovers fast to counterattack.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

It is possible to do this in a number of ways, including during training, where it is possible to program the opponent fighter. Master the technique and be harder to knock over.

Trainings and missions

Do not be afraid to face the Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite. In the long run, they are complicated, but the former teach the basics and much of what was said in the above paragraphs. Ideally, you should play at least a good part of training and missions before entering online mode. Select the one that best suits you in the initial menu.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Best characters for newbies

Forget characters fast or too heavy to start with, except for the Hulk. The Marvel green giant is a good choice for having versatile, easy-to-fit punches. Another good option is Ryu for being already known in the Street Fighter series and have similar hits in this game. This is a duo that can help you a lot in the initial bouts.

How to get well in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

To potentiate the variety, combine Hulk with the Time Jewel and always use the Infinite Storm, making the giant even faster and deadly against opponents. Train hard with both before leaving for the next fighters.

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