
How to make a resume on the mobile with the Word app

The Word application for Android phones may be a good choice for those who need to make a resume on their smartphone in a practical way. The app has some models that can speed up the lives of those who are looking for a job. Once finished, your resume can be sent by email in DOCX or PDF format.

Check out, in the following tutorial, how to use Word to create your resume by mobile. The procedure was performed on a Moto E4, with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, but the tips are valid for any device with the Google system.

Here's how to make a curriculum in Word for Android

Microsoft integrates LinkedIn and Word to improve curriculum; know how to use

Step 1. Open the Word app and tap "New". On the templates screen, slide up until you find the resume options. Select the template you want to use.

Opening curriculum template in Word

Step 2. The template will then be downloaded. Fill in your personal information, training, experiences and whatever else you need. To do this, simply touch the sample text to erase it and enter your data.

Fill in the Word template with your information

Step 3. When you are finished filling out your resume, touch the menu button in the upper left corner of the screen. Then select "Share."

Sharing Resume Made in Word by Mobile

Step 4. Select the "Share as an attachment" option and then choose whether you want to send the document as a Word (DOCX format) or PDF file.

Choose the desired format in Word

Step 5. If you have chosen to submit your resume in PDF, you must allow Word to do the file conversion using an online Microsoft tool. To do so, touch "Allow". Finally, click "Gmail" or the name of your preferred email client to send the document by email.

Allow Word to convert the document

Step 6. If you have a printer that supports Google wireless printing technology, you can also print your resume straight from your phone. To do this, just go to the Word menu and go to "Print".

Printing curriculum in Word by mobile phone

Take advantage of the tips for creating and submitting your resume via mobile using Word.

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