
Using Google Play Movies with Chromecast

Chromecast is a great choice for watching any type of media on TV, and Google Play Movies is the perfect partner for a low-cost home theater session. Combined, they allow anyone with a Google account to watch the movie they want, in the comfort of their living room. But if you still do not know how to take advantage of them, see this tutorial.

Before you start using the Chromecast and Google Play Movies, make sure your Chromecast is properly plugged in and set up, and turn on the TV. Then use one of the procedures below to watch your Google Play Movies on your TV.

Learn how to install and configure Chromecast 2

From a smartphone or tablet

To use Google Play Movies with Chromecast from a phone or tablet, do the following:

Step 1. Launch the Google Play Movies app on your device. On your home screen, touch the stream icon in the upper right corner;

Tapping the Google Play Movies stream icon

Step 2. When the listing appears, touch the name of the Chromecast you want to use to stream the movie to the TV;

Choosing Chromecast to connect

Step 3. At the end, the stream icon will be populated, indicating that the app is connected to Chromecast and ready to stream;

Google Play connected to Chromecast

Step 4. Finally, touch the movie and then the playback icon and short your movie on the TV.

Starting movie playback

From a PC

To use Google Play Movies with Chromecast from a PC, do the following:

Step 1. Run Google Chrome, go to Google Play Movies and sign in with your account. Go to the movie you want to watch and click on the playback icon;

Starting to play a movie on Google Play Movies via browser

Step 2. When the Google Play Movies player appears, click the stream icon in the upper right corner;

By clicking the Google Play Movies player stream icon

Step 3. Next, click the name of the Chromecast you want to use to stream the movie to the TV;

Selected Chromecast to be used

Step 4. In a few seconds, the movie will load onto your Chromecast and you'll be able to watch it comfortably on your TV.

Starting streaming to Chromecast

Ready! Now, whenever you need it, just rent or buy your movies and use one of the above methods. Before, pop the popcorn and enjoy!