What is F3? See how the 'style' Sarahah questions app works

The F3 Q & A app works similarly to Sarahah and other anonymous messaging services such as Secret and Curious Cat. The main difference is the format: responses are displayed in the same Instagram Stories layout and disappear after 24 hours . To answer, the user can use texts, take photos or record videos of up to 15 seconds.

Messages can be anonymous or not - you can choose privacy when you ask the question. The social network is available for Android and iPhone (iOS), and can be accessed from Facebook data. In the tutorial below, learn how to use the main F3 functions. It is worth mentioning that the app already appears among the 15 most downloaded from the App Store and Google Play in Brazil.

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How to sign in

Step 1. Download F3 in Downloads. After that, you can log in from your Facebook login data or after creating an account with an email. Click "Continue with Facebook" to be directed to the app and allow access to F3. If you already have an account, go to "Enter" and enter the access data;

Access F3 with Facebook data

Step 2. To create with a new account, touch "Sign in with email". On the next screen, enter your date of birth and tap the forward arrow;

Create a new account on F3

Step 3. Enter the email, create a password and tap the arrow to move forward. On the next screen, define a user name and click the arrow again;

Enter your login details to create new account in F3

Step 4. Choose a profile photo, enter your name and enter the gender, from the existing options: "Man" or "Woman". Click the arrow again to end the registration.

Finish the registration in F3 with your personal data

Share your profile and meet friends

Step 1. Touch the magnifying glass icon in the bottom menu to search for friends. Click the "Search" field to find people by username;

Find new friends on F3

Step 2. Enter the name in the search field and the results will automatically appear on the screen. Click "Follow" to follow a user;

Search by username to find friends on F3

Step 3. Go to "F3 Code" to add a friend from reading the custom QR Code from his profile. You must have the code saved as an image in the gallery of the cell phone;

Find friends on F3 using the app's QR Code

Step 4. When choosing the image, the friend profile will appear on the screen. Click "Follow" to start the friendship. With that, it is already possible to ask a question for him;

Add friends on F3 using the app's custom QR Code

Step 5. Click on "Facebook friends" to find the friends who have profile in F3. By tapping "Share code, " you can either save your F3 code, copy the direct link to the profile, or share it on social networks or via email;

Find friends on Facebook to post questions on F3

Step 6. You can also save the F3 code by clicking the profile icon in the main menu. Your code will be highlighted. Take a print and send it to friends or click the "Share your F3 profile" button.

Send your F3 Code to your friends

Questions and notifications

Step 1. Select the Lightning icon from the main menu and the questions your friends ask you will be displayed. Touch one of them to answer it. The camera will open and you must press the center button to take a picture or hold to record a video. To switch to the selfie camera, tap the icon in the lower right corner. If you want to reply with a photo of the gallery, just touch the icon in the left corner of the screen;

Answering questions in F3

Step 2. Touch the text icon in the upper right corner to write a response about the photo. You can change the color of the text by clicking on the options above the keyboard. Finally, go to "Done" to finish editing. You can move and resize the response on-screen as you like;

Write and customize your answer in F3

Step 3. To send the response, click the button with the arrow in the lower right corner. Ready: the question was answered;

Send your answer to friends on F3

Step 4. The Notifications tab of this same menu shows the profiles that have started following you.

View your notifications in F3

View friends' responses

Step 1. The cottage icon in the bottom menu shows the F3 main screen with all friends. Touch a photo to see the answers he gave to the questions he received. The format is the same as Instagram Stories and replies will be played in sequence automatically;

View responses sent by your friends in F3 in a style much like Instagram Stories

Step 2. With an open story, click on "Ask question" to send a message to this friend. Enter the text and check the "Hide my name" option if you prefer anonymity. Then click the green arrow in the upper right corner to send.

Ask new questions to your friends on F3

Create a new question

Step 1. Touch the "+" icon on the main screen and enter the question. Check the "Hide my name" option so that the message does not have a sender. Then, click Next.

Send anonymous questions to your friends on F3

Step 2. Choose the friends who will receive the question and touch the green arrow in the upper green corner to send.

Choose the friends who will receive the questions and send

Ready. Take advantage of the tips to explore and send anonymous questions to your friends with F3.

Sarahah, Curious Cat and Secret: Which is the best app? Comment on the.