
How to become an animal in Habblet

Habblet is a virtual environment similar to games like The Sims and other social simulators, which can be accessed in browsers and on any PC. The game allows you to interact with other people online as a human, in the form of an animal (pet) and even dinosaur. Turning animal into Habblet is allowed even for those who just entered the game. Discover, in this tutorial, how to turn pet and tips on how to turn human back into Habblet.

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Turning pet is simple. Any animal available at the game's online store can be targeted for processing. Follow the steps.

Step 1: Open the Habblet chat at the bottom of the screen;

How to become an animal in Habblet

Step 2. Enter ": pet xxx", without quotation marks, where "xxx" is the name of the animal you wish to transform into English - for example cat for cat, horse for horse, or dog for dog;

How to become an animal in Habblet

Step 3. To turn human again, type ": pet human".

If you have any questions, you can open the Habblet online store and check out all possible transformation animeis. It is possible even unprecedented results such as turning dinosaur into the virtual environment of the game.

How to become an animal in Habblet

The only detail is that the player will have to know, in English, the name of each of the animals, since they are listed in the store in Portuguese.

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