
How do Wi-Fi tests work? Check out tips to measure speed

Testing the speed of the Internet is a useful tool to find out if your network is reaching numbers contracted with the service provider. There are several online performance testing options that run on the browser today and evaluate the quality of the connection at any given time.

In the following lines, find out how Wi-Fi speed tests work and stay on top of best practices for Internet metering to be as reliable as possible.

Internet speed test: see websites and apps to measure the connection

Connection speed tests are a way to assess the quality of the connection.

How do the tests work?

Speed ​​tests that run on the browser work by measuring the speed of network data traffic. The method is based on three measurements: ping, download speed and upload speed.

Ping is a measure of lag intensity or delay (the most correct technical term is latency) that exists in your network. It is the amount of time it takes for a packet of data to leave one machine, to reach another, and the response to be received by the output point.

Download speed measures the rate of speed your connection offers to download data from the Internet. The measure is generally referred to in "megas" by the service provider. A "10 mega" connection, for example, should achieve 10 megabit download speeds.

Finally, the upload speed measures how fast the network sends data to the Internet. Although little considered by the consumer, the measure is a key piece in the performance of the connection. The faster the upload, the better the network stability in online games, for example.

How to test speed in the best way possible?

It's important to run multiple tests at different times and days to get an accurate picture of performance

Tip 1. Computer networks are subject to electromagnetic interference of varying degrees of intensity. It is important, therefore, that you try to perform the speed test several times, at different times and days, in order to form a more accurate picture of performance.

Ensure that your connection is not being used by many devices before performing the test

Tip 2. Another important point of attention is to unclog the network. Many devices connected at the same time can impact the speed test, with lower results. A good way to check which devices are connected to the network is via the router control interface, as shown in the image above.

It is important to test the connection near the router

Tip 3. Measuring the speed of Wi-Fi may depend on the range. As you may have guessed by now, the further you move away from the router, the more your wireless network can fluctuate and exhibit interference and instability. When testing speed, try to stay close to the router.

Fast, created by Netflix, is one of the most used Internet speed tests in the world

Tip 4. Do not let the computer you are testing - or other connected devices - download while testing the speed. Downloading files, especially via torrents, can severely impact the speed test. Another important precaution is to turn off VPNs before starting the test.

Long-connected computers can carry countless processes that steal bandwidth and can interfere with the accuracy of the test

Tip 5. Another interesting idea is to restart the computer before performing the speed measurement. This is because it is possible that your PC is running services in the background, which can burden the bandwidth of your connection - such as Windows Update, etc. Restarting the PC before taking the test is a way to ensure that nothing will be in the background distorting the measurements.

In addition to the tests you can run on your computer, there are options for mobile

Tip 6. Choose a good tool: There are several interesting choices from sites that perform speed tests. Choosing a quality and reliable service to perform the measurements is important, since dubious tests can give you a wrong idea of ​​their speed.

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