
How to use My Talking Angela, game of the talking mobile kitten

My Talking Angela is a free game that has as main character the friend of My Talking Tom, Angela. In this free app for Android and iPhone (iOS) phones, the player interacts with the kitten and can access a native feature to earn infinite money and unlock exclusive items. The user has several possibilities with the character such as showering, feeding, sleeping and dancing, and have fun with the thousands of accessories of this superstar. The application developed by Outfit 7 is aimed at children but released for any age.

Those interested can download the game from the official app stores of Google and Apple systems, Google Play and App Store, respectively. The tutorial below, prepared by TechTudo, teaches you how to use My Talking Angela with the latest update of 2019. Check out the tips for faster leveling, earning infinite money and other tricks that will make the cat develop fast.

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Know the tricks to use My Talking Angela, game of the talking mobile kitten

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First steps and key actions

Step 1. Install the My Talkinh Angela app through the page. Open the game and wait a few seconds. Then select the year of birth of who will use the game and press "OK";

Launch the My Talking Angela app with the user's year of birth

Step 2. Enter the gender of the user, if desired, or press the "X" button to ignore the screen. Then tap the "Skip" button;

Select the user genre of the My Talking Angela app if you want

Step 3. Change the name of the "Angela" kitty to some of your preference and touch "OK". On the next screen, the app starts a tutorial. Go to "Jump", as we will approach each of the tools in more detail below;

Change the name of the app's My Angking Talking app

Step 4. The application will ask for authorization to record audio, necessary for the kitten to be able to communicate with you. Tap "Allow" to go to the main game screen. At the top you will see the amount of money - each player starts with 200 coins and 10 diamonds. At the bottom are the top five My Talking Angela action menus. The priority should be given to those who have the bar in red and so we will start with the "Food" menu;

Follow the signage needs of the My Talking Angela app character through the activity menus

Step 5. Tap a food on the plate for the cat to eat. As it is fed, the pink bar, which indicates good health, will rise. When the food is over, the button to buy more will appear - we'll cover this feature later. Enter the menu "Bathroom", represented by a shower;

Feed the kitten from the My Talking Angela app through the food menu

Step 6. Touch the sink to brush the kitten's teeth. First touch over the shower of water and bring it to the cat's mouth, in order to remove all traces of food from the teeth;

Clean the mouth of My Talking Angela's kitten with the water shower

Step 7. Now touch the brush and drag it through Angela's teeth to remove the remaining dirt. When your teeth are fully cleaned, you will receive coins for the entire task. Tap the "X" to close this window;

Brush the teeth of the My Talking Angela character until they are clean to be rewarded.

Step 8. Now touch the bathtub so that Angela appears inside her. To start the bath, go first in the soap and drag it to the cat;

Put My Talking Angela's kitten in the tub

Step 9. Soak the kitten until the "Bathroom" menu bar reaches 100%. At this level, tap the shower and drag it over Angela to rinse it. Then go to the "Dance" menu, the next one with the lowest level;

Rinse My Talking Angela In The Bath

Step 10. The "Dance" menu has a few tricks. Note that the app screen displays a bar that indicates the character's level - in this case, 30%. The more stars you earn, the faster your progress in the game and, consequently, the growth of the kitten. In this menu, you can activate two features that will give you more experience points to achieve this goal. First tap the dance bag as indicated. Then slap any area of ​​the screen to close the message and go to the dance floor of special moves;

Tap the dance bag to release special moves of the app's pet My Talking Angela

Step 11. Press the "Free" button to watch a promotional video and unlock the function. When the clip finishes, drag your finger on the screen according to the movement indicated by the blue arrow - in this example, the player should drag the finger diagonally, from top to bottom and from left to right. Close the window when you want to close the practice;

Release special dance moves in My Talking Angela

Step 12. Then go to the makeup menu on the right side. Touch anywhere on the screen to close the message and go to the menu;

Enter the makeup menu, which releases hearts for the kitten of the My Talking Angela app

Step 13. In this initial stage of the game, only the pink blush will be released. Drag it up to Angela's cheeks to apply the makeup. Close the window and touch the stereo, indicated by an arrow, to start the music;

Apply make-up on My Talking Angela to stop releasing hearts when the kitty dances

Step 14. Follow the movements indicated by the hand. Make the most moves until the music bar reaches the end. This enables the user to gain as many hearts, stars and smiles as possible. When the dance is over, close the window on the "X";

Do the kitty dance of the game My Talking Angela with special moves released

Step 15. The first time you pick up all emojis while dancing, the app will explain that this releases the superstar makeup. Tap the screen and see what item you won. Finally, close the window in the "X";

Conquer all emojis after dancing releases superstar makeup from My Talking Angela

Step 16. Touch the "Room" menu, represented by the drawing of a moon and stars. The lamp will be on. Touch it to delete it;

Enter the app room My Angking Talking for the menu with moon and stars

Step 17. The cat will begin to sleep as soon as the light is off. You can continue navigating the app while it sleeps. Touch the first menu, with smile icon, to go to the balcony of My Talking Angela.

Go to the My Talking Angela main menu to access the balcony of the talking kitten

Shopping menu

Step 1. The cart on the left of the screen is the shopping menu. When you touch it, you will be presented with five options: "News", "Diamonds", "Cupboard", rooms ("Balcony", "Kitchen", "Bathroom", "Room" or "Dance floor") and "Food". We will explain each item in the following steps;

My Talking Angela shopping cart menu displays several options

Step 2. Under "News", the developer informs about the new functions of the app. The "Diamonds" option allows you to buy real money diamonds, with values ​​already converted to Real (R $);

Step 3. In "Cabinet" it is possible to buy personalization items for the kitten. The products are divided into nine categories: "Makeup", "Face painting", "Eye color", "Hair color", "Dress", "Hair", "Glasses", "Fantasy" and "Shoe". When the value is in currency or diamond, just have the amount and press "Buy" to perform the action. Some items may be blocked depending on the player's level or the number of cards - described in the next topic;

Buy items from the vault for customization of My Talking Angela's kitten

Step 4. The room menu allows you to improve the furniture of the environment in which you are (balcony, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom or dance floor). The improvements give stars, which accelerate the advancement of levels. To upgrade a utensil, tap the balloon next to the item to select it and then press the "Enhance" button;

Make the improvement of furniture and appliances, located on the balcony of My Talking Angela

Step 5. The improvements can be paid with coins or with diamonds. Touch one of the two options to complete the item improvement. Note that in this example, the video game changed appearance and gave 3 more stars to the player;

Check out My Angking My Talking's balcony item after player-made enhancement

Step 6. Finally, the "Food" submenu allows you to buy food for Angela. When you open, you will see several small shops. Enter those that are without the padlock - the others are blocked because of the player's level. Just tap the products to buy them.

Shop for food at My Talking Angela's


Step 1. On the porch there is a small table with a picture album. This feature is important because the cards release accessories and progress items in the game. Each time you level up, you will earn a pack of five stickers. To see them, touch the small table and then select the "5 new cards" option to enter the album;

Touch the little table with My Talking Angela

Step 2. The package will appear closed. Tap the middle to open. Then go over each figurine to unravel them;

Open the My Talking Angela figurine pack

Step 3. When you finish opening the cards, the app will open the album. Drag the figures to the position indicated by the number. When you paste a sticker that locks an item in the cabinet, the game will indicate that it has now been released. Touch "Receive" to go to the closet and use the novelty ";

Make the collage of stickers on My Talking Angela's album

Step 4. At the bottom of the album you will see three buttons. The middle one shows your repeated cards, which you can trade with friends or sell;

See the repeated pictures to make the exchange and sale in My Talking Angela

Step 5. The right corner button opens the "Trade Cards" menu, through which you can purchase the stickers you need. The first button on the left corner displays the app store, where you can buy diamonds. You also get a free picture while watching a promotional video.

See the purchase options for figurines in the My Talking Angela app

Talking and playing with Angela

Step 1. The character can hear and repeat what you speak on any screen, as long as it is awake and has been granted authorization for the app to record audio. When speaking next to the microphone, the kitten will direct the ear to its direction and then repeat what was said. Indulge Angela by sliding her finger over it. The kitten will purr and close her eyes, which indicates happiness;

Make love in the kitten of the My Talking Angela app so that she is satisfied

Step 2. There are several ways to interact with the cat. Dragging the finger on the ceiling, for example, causes it to look up. If you slap the screen, Angela will pull her head back;

Interact with the My Talking Angela app character

Infinite money

Step 1. There is an official way to get infinite money in My Talking Angela, without having to install unknown APK. When you're on the porch, tap the gift box and press the "Turn!" Button;

Open the winning luck roulette by the gift box on the balcony of the My Talking Angela game character

Step 2. Luck roulette offers several prizes, including coins and diamonds. You can rotate as many times as you want, just watch a promotional video. Thus, the player can add money faster.

Earn Diamond Rewards at Roulette Luck of the App My Talking Angela

Ready. Take the hint to interact with the kitten and explore all the features of the Angela My Talkinh app.

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