Instagram: how to share highlights of friends in Stories

Instagram lets users share as story a featured story group on a friend's page. The feature, available for iPhone (iOS) and Android-based mobile app, is ideal for helping people and businesses present stories from other profiles to even more people.

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The procedure creates a figurine that shows the preview of the stories and brings the link to access the highlight quickly. Check out how to share the highlights stories of your friends in your Instagram profile.

Tip shows how to share featured stories from your Instagram friends

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Step 1. Open Instagram and go to a friend's profile. Then, hold down one of the highlights and tap the "Share in your story" option in the menu that appears;

Action to use the Instagram Outline Share button

Step 2. At this point, a card with all the highlights is displayed on the story sharing screen. To make sharing effective, tap the "Your Story" button.

Action to share an Instagram highlight in your stories

Take advantage of the tip to spread stories of friends and participate in promotions launched by business accounts.

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