Learn how to check your Chromebook battery status

Chromebooks are computers known for their fail-safe system, but the hardware is susceptible to problems just like any other notebook. The battery, for example, also suffers the passage of time, with defined cycles of performance and loss of load with the regular use.

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Fortunately, Chrome OS provides a way to check the status of the component under tests on the laptop itself. Learn in this tutorial how to check the battery life of your Chromebook and find out if the useful life is nearing its end.

Learn how to check your Chromebook battery status

Step 1 . Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Chrome OS terminal;

Open the Chrome OS terminal

Step 2. Enter the battery_test command and press Enter;

Use the battery test command

Step 3. The command shows some information about the battery. The most important of these is next to "Battery Health", which indicates the amount of usable charge of the battery. A battery with more than 90% capacity is normal after a year of constant use.

The battery life depends on the manufacturer. Dell, for example, recommends at least 50 percent integrity before switching to a new one.

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Check the health of your battery

Step 4. The same command performs a rapid power consumption test. By default, the test measures the discharge in 300 seconds, but you can change to as long as you want to have an accurate notion of the usage time.

It is not recommended to run the test for long minutes. Instead, take a quick measurement and use the result to calculate overall battery performance. The time should always be typed in seconds. The command for 10 minutes, for example, is: battery_test 600

Take a consumption test

With this information in hand, you can know how much your Chromebook stays away from the power outlet, estimate the usage time of a used model or decide if it's time to replace your Chrome OS computer battery.

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