
How to Customize Facebook with Social Fixer

Social Fixer is a free Chrome plugin that allows you to completely customize Facebook. The user can change the font of the texts, hide posts and even disappear with network functions that do not use to gain space on the screen. The plugin is useful for those who are not satisfied with any detail and want to make the social networking environment more user friendly.

Check out, in the following tutorial, how to install and use Social Fixer to customize your Facebook on your computer. The images were made in macOS, but the tips are also valid for users of Windows PCs. Note that this plugin is unique to Google's browser.

Social Fixer for Facebook options are available in English. Here's how to install the Google Translator plugin and find out the meaning of words on any site with just one click.

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Learn how to use the Social Fixer extension to customize your Facebook

Step 1. Access Social Fixer for Facebook. In the Chrome Web Store, click "Use in Chrome, " and confirm the installation by clicking "Add Extension";

Download Social Fixer in the Chrome Web Store

Step 2. After installing the extension, go to the Facebook page. Note that the Social Fixer button will be in the upper right corner of the social network. Click on it and then select the "Social Fixer Options" option to open the settings;

Access the Social Fixer settings by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner

Step 3. On the "General" tab, you will find the general extension options. In this menu, you can change the behavior of stories, comments, date and time format, and more;

Social Fixer general configuration page page

Step 4. The "Hide Posts" tab allows you to hide publications with certain characteristics. You can use the text field below to add keywords (use one per line). In this way, Social Fixer will hide posts related to the chosen terms;

Social Fixer is able to hide Facebook posts according to the user's choice

Step 5. In the "Filters" tab, you can create publication filters that should be hidden. You can click "Create A New Filter" to create a new filter or use the preconfigured filters below - in this case, just click "+";

Social Fixer also offers filters to select which posts will be hidden

Step 6. In "User Interface", you can customize the settings related to the graphical interface of Facebook. This menu allows you to change the text display font, hide features, remove columns, etc;

The Facebook interface can be customized by Social Fixer

Step 7. The "Display Tweaks" tab allows you to improve the social network interface. You can, for example, hide features you do not use to free up screen space. To activate the settings of your choice, click on the "+" next to the desired option;

Step 8. On the "Tips" tab, Social Fixer gathers settings tips to improve Facebook usability. Click "Go!" to the right of the desired feature to go directly to the configuration page of the indicated setting;

Social Fixer has a list of tips to optimize Facebook

Step 9. In "Advanced", you will find some more specific settings on how Facebook works. It is possible to change CSS elements of the social network and the behavior of some resources;

You can change more advanced features of Facebook with Social Fixer

Step 10. Click on "Experiments" to see some experimental features of Social Fixer. To use them, just check the box to the right of the feature you want to enable. After making the desired changes, remember to click "Save Changes" in the upper right corner to confirm the action;

Experimental Functions of Social Fixer

Step 11. Under "Data Import / Export" you can import and export Social Fixer settings. This allows you to apply the same settings to another computer or create a backup of your settings if the PC is formatted.

Social Fixer also allows the user to export and import custom settings

Ready! Enjoy the tips to customize Facebook on your computer.

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