Monster Hunter World: How to Eliminate Lunastra, the legendary monster

Monster Hunter World is the new chapter in the classic Capcom franchise. Released for PC (Steam), Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the game features dozens of monsters to hunt, such as the legendary Lunastra, the title's newest hunt. Learn in our tutorial how to find it and defeat it.

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Lunastra was made available in Monster Hunter World as part of update 4.0, and is the third monster obtained via DLC. You can only find it after installing the patch, which will make it appear among the optional missions in the Special Assignments menu, the Special Missions.

Step 1. Lunastra only appears on the map after finishing the chase to Xeno'jiiva, the final mission of the main story, then play Monster Hunter World in a very linear way and finish the game before anything else.

Monster Hunter World: To hunt Lunastra, you must first defeat Xeno'jiiva

Take advantage of the hunts of the campaign to raise your hunter rank, because you will also have to reach at least Hunter Rank 16 to obtain the Lunastra mission, which does not appear for inferior ranks;

Step 2. With the game finished and already in the hunter rank 16, talk to The Huntsman, the hunter in Astera indicated in the image below, to receive the special mission The Blazing Sun.

Monster Hunter World: Huntsman (hunter) enables mission to hunt Lunastra

It consists of hunting the Teostra monster in the Wildspire Waste region, then travel there and kill the beast, then return to Astera and talk to The Huntsman again;

Step 3. Upon completing the mission, The Huntsman will initiate a new dialogue and ask you to go to the forge. Talk to the Second Fleet Master (second fleet master) in the Astera store to receive the Pandora's Arena mission.

Monster Hunter World: You have to fight twice with Lunastra

This is not yet the main hunt, and you only have to deal enough damage to Lunastra in the Arena to fulfill the mission, so take advantage of the monster's moves in this "warming" battle;

Step 4. After that, speak again with The Huntsman in Astera to receive the Special Mission On Remorse, No Surreder (no remorse, no surrender), in which you must hunt both Lunastra and Teestra in Elder's Recess.

Monster Hunter World: Lunastra attack with devastating fire projectiles

Upon completing it, the optional Infernal Monarchy quests and Blue Prominence will be enabled to play whenever you want. Here are the best tactics to win Lunastra;

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Step 5. Lunastra causes fire damage and even so it is also immune to elemental fire damage. Their weakness is Ice or Dragon attacks, with moderate vulnerability to stunning and explosions.

Monster Hunter World: Hit the tail, wings or head of Lunastra, your weaknesses

Take care, because the high temperature of your body drains the energy of your hero. To get around this problem, make sure you have a Cool Drink in your inventory, and drink when you hunt Lunastra;

Step 6. Lunastra, like Teostra, presents its greatest risk when it launches the Supernova attack in a furious state. When you notice the attack being charged, run away and stay at a safe distance until the end of the animation.

Monster Hunter World: Watch out for the blue fire of Lunastra: use cold drinks to help

You also have to be careful with the blue flames Lunastra spreads across the floor. After getting accustomed to your attack patterns, break off the weak spots on your head, wings and tail, areas where he suffers the most damage from the attacks.

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