How to check if your PC's RAM is compatible with the motherboard

Choosing RAM is very important when it comes to setting up or running a computer. Typically, three types of components are found in the market: DDR, DDR2 and DDR3. These are memories that allow two data to be transferred over the same cycle, making the whole process faster. Before purchasing, it is important to know if the memory is compatible with the motherboard, so that maximum power will actually give the machine more speed. O has selected special tips for you to learn how to check for compatibility and not make mistakes.

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How to check if your PC's RAM is compatible with the motherboard

Understand the importance

The performance of RAM is measured by its frequency. The higher the number, such as 1600MHz, for example, the better its performance. However, if the frequency of the motherboard is lower, the entire system will be working with lower quality. The incompatibility may also occur in RAM models.

The difference between the three versions is nothing more than the evolution of the same system. If a DDR component is installed in a DDR3 module, for example, it will not have communication, ceasing to function.


The problem is how to know what your motherboard and RAM. The frequency, one of the main points to be observed, is always indicated on the RAM memory clip, usually on a 'label' that also has the manufacturer's logo. In addition, there are software that 'read' your computer to know which motherboard and RAM.

If you still have questions about which components to match, motherboard instruction manuals provide the types of RAM that are compatible. If you no longer have your manual, it is easily found on the manufacturers' websites.

After you understand which memory models may perform best on your computer, a new question may arise. Is it better to buy an 8Gb or two 4Gb comb, for example? No matter how much the account seems the same, it is not. This is because most motherboards sold in the market have Dual Channel technology.

That is, pairs of memory (same size, frequency and timing) bring a new way to exchange data, even adding twice the speed of communication between memory and motherboard.

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