
How to use Candowell, Instagram's competing social network

Candowell is a social network of photo sharing similar to Instagram. The free app is available for Android and iPhone (iOS) phones and allows you to follow friends, post photos and videos, enjoy publications, comment on posts with audio, send private messages and join public or private groups. Candidally, Candowell promises to donate 30 percent of all advertising revenue to social projects and NGOs around the world in health, education and the environment.

The feature is an alternative for those interested in using platform other than Instagram, with exclusive functions and concerned with social inequality. To learn how to use, check out the tutorial on the main functions of Candowell.

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Candowell Reverses 30% of Revenue for NGOs and Social Causes

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How to create an account

Step 1. Select the "Create Account" option. In the next step, enter your email and tap "Continue";

Create an account on the Candowell social network

Step 2. Fill in your profile data with name, username and password. Then enter the date of birth (you must be over 13 years old to access the app), confirm the Terms of Use, and end in "Continue."

You must be over 13 years old to register for Candowell

How to use

Step 1. Candowell has two types of feed: one in the same style as Instagram, with one photo highlighted on the screen, and another in a mosaic format, with smaller photos and more publications being displayed at the same time. To switch between them, touch the icons located at the top of the screen;

Browse both Candowell feed types

Step 2. To post a photo, touch the camera icon in the lower menu. Then choose whether to post a photo from the gallery or from the camera;

Post Candowell photos from the gallery or captured at the time

Step 3. After selecting the photo, write a caption and end by clicking "Post";

Post a photo on the social network Candowell

Step 4. To comment on a picture of a friend with an audio message, touch the balloon icon, and then press the microphone icon. The comment will be published immediately at the end of the recording;

Comment on Candowell's friends' photos with audio messages

Step 5. To access private messages, touch the balloon icon in the upper right corner. Then select the desired conversation.

Candowell allows you to send private messages in a chat

Creating and joining groups

Step 1. Tap the groups icon in the main menu, and then select "Create new group". Define a name, write a description, and, if you want, insert a cover photo. Finish on "Save";

Create a group on Candowell

Step 2. To find groups close to you, touch the magnifying glass icon in the main menu, and select the "Groups" tab. Finally, click on the desired group.

Find groups to follow in Candowell

Ready. Enjoy the tip and get to know Candowell, a social network of photos and videos, rival of Instagram.

How to resolve error Stories with GIF in Instagram? Ask questions in the Forum.

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