
How to use DietBet, betting app for anyone who wants to lose a lot of weight

DietBet is a free application for Android and iPhone (iOS) that offers rewards to maintain your health and wellness. In the app, you place a bet with people around the world to find out who loses the most weight, and if you win, you earn the prize - which varies according to the number of participants and the value of the bet. You can place bets that range from $ 10 to over $ 100 (between $ 32 and $ 320, per day).

Here's how to use the DietBet app on your mobile phone. The procedure was done on a smartphone with the Google system, but is also valid for the Apple cell phone.

Four apps that pay you to exercise

DietBet offers rewards for users who lose weight

App: Get tech tips and news on your phone

Step 1. After installing the app on your phone and opening it for the first time, tap "Signup" to create a free account. You can fill in your personal information or use the "Sign Up with Facebook" button to use your social network account.

Creating account on DietBet

Step 2. After logging into the application, you can choose a betting group. The tabs at the top of the screen show, respectively, the challenges that will begin shortly ("Starting soon", "Most players" and "High stakes"). After choosing a challenge, tap "Play now" to play it.

Finding a betting group

Step 3. Next, tap "Pay with New Credit Card" to pay the bet using a credit card. You can also use the "Pay with PayPal" option if you prefer to pay using PayPal. If you quit the challenge in up to seven days, DietBet informs you that you will receive a full refund of the bet amount.

Make the bet payment

Step 4. Returning to the main application screen, touch the button located in the upper left corner of the screen - it contains three parallel strokes - to access the DietBet menu. This is where you can open the settings, view your profile and your score.

Accessing the app menu

Step 5. In the app menu, tap "Profile" to access your profile. In it, touch "Edit profile" if you want to add a nickname, write the reason why you want to lose weight and other personal information, and add photos.

Editing profile information

Step 6. Tap the bell icon in the upper right corner of the app's main screen to open the notifications. It is there that you will be alerted about the progress of the game and other information from DietBet.

Accessing app notifications

With these tips, you can use DietBet to place bets and receive rewards while slimming down.

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