FIFA 18: see tricks to overcome the most advanced difficulties of the game

FIFA 18 has one of its main new features is the Squad Battles mode of Ultimate Team, where players face teams of other users controlled by the machine and accumulate points for a weekly ranking, which rewards with rare packs of coins and packs. Needing a strength to face the best teams and earn more points? Check out tricks to overcome the higher difficulty of the mode.

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Activate classic defense mode

This technique works as a kind of 'cheating', which makes matches against the machine much easier, even at the higher difficulty levels. In the configuration menu of the controls, change the option "Tactical Defense" to "Classic Defense".

Fifa 18: see tricks to overcome the most advanced difficulties of the game

With this function enabled, simply hold the dial button (X / A) to take the opponent's ball. This means that it will no longer be necessary to use the manual (Square / X) disarm, which poses a risk to your defense.

Enjoy the end of the match

The end of the match is approaching and you still have not got the result? Know that the computer becomes much more aggressive in the final minutes of the game, and ends up opening up a lot of space in your defense for you to score goals.

Stay tuned for the final 20 minutes of the game, especially when you are winning or tying. The computer-controlled team will launch the attack to score a goal, and you can take advantage of that space to convert, with quick counterattacks and launches.

Enjoy the final minutes of Fifa Squad Battles 18 matches

Confuse the computer with cuts and low kicks

Dribbling usually does not work very well against the machine at the Legendary level or higher, but cuts are an exception to this rule. False kicks (press the kick button, then the pass button) are able to fool the computer-controlled quarterbacks and make it easy for the goal, or even to shoot penalties.

Another excellent technique to confuse the machine is the low kicks, which are extremely effective within the area, and usually leave the goalkeeper without reaction. To use this type of finishing, carry a strong kick, and then quickly press the kick button again, for a close finish to the lawn.

Ground kicks and cuts are important weapons in Fifa 18

Abuse of ground passes over the bottom line

One of the most effective ways to score goals against the computer is with plays across the bottom line. After attracting the attention of one of the defenders of the machine, simply use a low pass towards the middle of the area, and end with one of your attackers. This strategy works very well, but requires some training.

Score many goals with low passes across the bottom line of FIFA 18

Learn how to win the penalty shootout

It is not uncommon to see Squad Battles games ending in penalty shoot-outs after a draw. Fortunately, the machine charges become somewhat predictable with a little trick. While the referee is standing, move your goalie to one side until the athlete starts running up to the ball. At that point, go back to the middle of the goal, and then jump to the same side where your goalkeeper was standing.

To shoot penalties, there is no secret. Avoid very strong, high or risky kicks. Instead, look into one of the corners and hit the kick button as light and fast as possible. Simply repeat the process on all your penalties, which tend to pass under the archer, or confuse him.

See tricks to win penalty shootouts at Fifa 18

Avoid the International Difficulty

Logically, winning the machine at the World Class would be easier than the Legendary, right? For some reason, in Squad Battles mode the story is different, and the supposedly easier level ends with more aggressive opponents, who often score more goals.

Once you have beaten the Professional difficulty with leftovers, completely skip the Internationale and start facing teams in Legendary mode. The games will not be easy, but will yield almost double the points.

Avoid International difficulty at all costs in FIFA 18

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