Muambator tries to predict if international package will be taxed at the Post Office

The Muambator, a service that allows easy tracking of orders on PC and mobile phone, now also informs the likelihood of an international package being taxed by the IRS. The tool is in beta and uses artificial intelligence to calculate whether the chance of your purchase being taxed is high or low. The estimation is performed based on the database information of the packages already registered in the service.

Applications to Track Mail Orders

Five tips for using the Muambator and tracking orders on the PC

In addition to the likelihood of taxation, the Muambator also brings other useful information about its orders: it is possible to find out how long an international purchase package is on the route of transport to Brazil, the period in which they spend in some Treatment Center (CEINT), country of origin and the date on which the package is released by the Federal Revenue Service in Brazil. The feature that is only available for the web version.

Subscribe to Muambator

Step 1. Access the Muambator ( and log in to your account. If you do not have it, you can register for free;

Step 2. On the service homepage, simply add a new package to find out the odds of your order being taxed. To do this, enter the package tracking code, a name and click "Register";

Signing new package

Step 3. Just below the name you gave the order, you can see the probability of the package being taxed. Note that the service is still in the testing phase and, even if the probability is low, the risk will always exist;

Finding out the probability of the order being taxed

Step 4. Returning to the homepage, you can see the list of your pending items and find out how many days (running and useful) the package is in the process of delivery.

Viewing the time the package is in transit

How to track orders over the Internet? Exchange tips in the Forum.