
Finding Chrome's most used hashtags for Instagram

The HashTest extension - Realtime Hashtag Testing for Google Chrome allows you to find the best words to use as hashtags on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The tool has a search field where you can search for terms and know which are the most used on the web. The search results appear with colored backgrounds: green, orange, red, or black. However, only the green items are the most recommended to use in posts.

The service has a color classification that reveals the potential of each expression. Green means "the best"; orange is "good"; red is "bad" and black is "useless". This way, it is possible to visually identify the extension suggestions and choose the best ones. By using a successful hashtag, the user has chances of being seen on Instagram by more people and can gain more followers.

To learn how to use HashTest - Realtime Hashtag Testing, follow the tutorial below.

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Step 1. Access the download page of the extension in the Google Web Store and click on the "Use in Chrome" option;

Prepare to download the HashTest extension - Realtime Hashtag Testing in Chrome

Step 2. Select the "Add Extension" button;

Install the HashTest extension - Realtime Hashtag Testing in Google Chrome

Step 3. After installation, click the game icon for the old "#" that represents the extension in the upper right corner of the screen;

Open the HashTest extension interface - Realtime Hashtag Testing in Google Chrome

Step 4. Use the search bar to enter the desired terms and find out if they are good for hashtags;

Add terms to hashtags in the HashTest extension - Realtime Google Chrome HashTesting Testing

Step 5. The most recommended terms for hashtags appear in green. Use the "Copy Best to Clipboard" button and paste the hashtags into an Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook post.

Indicated terms with hashtags in the HashTest extension interface - Realtime Hashtag Testing for Google Chrome

Take the hint to quickly find the best hashtags with the HashTest extension - Realtime Hashtag Testing and increase the visibility of your posts on social networks.

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