Instagram: how to stop following who does not follow back

You can stop following profiles that do not follow back in Instagram through the PC application Combin. With a free download for Mac, Windows and Linux, the tool allows you to select several profiles so that the unfollow action is performed simultaneously without having to open Instagram on the mobile phone. In addition to the function to stop following, the software also brings the management of account posts.

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Services like Combin create automatic actions that, when over performed, can be blocked by Instagram for spam. With that in mind, developers suggest that the feature be used sparingly so it is not detected as a suspicious activity. As an alternative to not following many profiles in a day, we recommend making prints from the list generated by Combin to unfollow manually by Instagram's own application.

How to stop following multiple Instagram profiles at once

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Step 1. Access the service website ( and enter your e-mail address in the blank box. To proceed, click the "Get" button;

The Combin service requires an email address to download the software

Step 2. Confirm the action on the blue button to prepare the software download;

Action to confirm an e-mail address to download the Combin software for the PC

Step 3. Download the software to your computer;

Action to download Combin software for the computer

Step 4. In the location indicated, enter your Instagram username and password. To confirm your data, press the "Sign in" button;

Action to log an Instagram account in Combin software

Step 5. On the software start screen, go to the "Users" tab;

Action to check options for Combin software users

Step 6. People who do not follow you will be presented when you click on the "Not follows me" option, in the upper bar of the window;

Action for verifying users who do not follow back on Instagram with the Combin software

Step 7. Check the "Select All" option so that the profiles are selected by the software;

Action in Combin software to select users who do not follow back on Instagram

Step 8. To stop following the selected profiles, click the avatar icon in the upper left corner of the screen, as shown in the image below.

Action in Combin software to stop following profiles that do not follow back in Instagram

Take advantage of the hint to use the Combin to stop following several profiles that do not follow back on Instagram quickly.

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