iPhone allows you to check which apps most spend 4G; learn to block them

The iPhone (iOS) allows the user to easily discover which applications are the villains of the mobile internet franchise. This way, you can block only the apps that consume the most, preventing them from accessing the 4G or 3G network. In the end, the tip is to save on the data package.

The feature is useful for those who think the franchise is running out too fast or lasting less than it should. In this tutorial, see also how to block drinkers' access to the mobile internet.

Find out which apps spend more mobile data on the iPhone

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Step 1. Access the iPhone settings under "Settings", and touch "Mobile". Now scroll down to the "Use mobile data for" section and note the amount of data used by each app just below the name.

Access iPhone settings

Step 2. Uninstalled applications and system services may also have consumed data. To find out, scroll through the list and tap "System Services". Note the "Uninstalled Apps" item. Please also note the date when the statistics were reset. Ideally, you should reset them every month to get more accurate information.

Viewing System Data Consumption on iPhone

Step 3. To block an app that consumes a lot of data, disable the selector to the right of the name. That way, every time you open the app, you'll be informed that the mobile internet is disabled for that app. If you want, just touch "Settings" and re-enable the application access to the mobile data.

Preventing an app from accessing the iPhone's mobile Internet

Take advantage of tips to find out which apps are the villains in your Internet franchise and prevent them from connecting to your network.

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