Tips for playing South Park: Phone Destroyer on Android and iPhone

South Park: Phone Destroyer is the new card game in the animated series for mobile phones. The irreverent mood of Cartman and his friends comes to Android and iPhone (iOS) with uncomplicated gameplay, which mixes card games with real-time combat. However, it is not enough to be runaway to become the fastest child on the trigger. See the following guide for the best tips for winning in the card game.

Read the full review of South Park: The Stick of Truth

Combine the classes

Phone Destroyer is a strategy game in which the cards are divided by classes. Among them there are: combatant, tank, assassins, sniper and spell cards. The key to winning is to build a balanced deck, using the advantages of the cards to override the disadvantages of other characters (for example, using tanks to protect killers).

Use combinations of classes in South Park: Phone Destroyer

You can also customize your deck with extra cards of a specific type to build offensive, defensive, or fast attack strategies. Try to use more than two classes and pay attention to the average energy cost of each deck. This helps to keep your weaknesses from being evident and easy for opponents to exploit.

Think about the order of play

The play order is essential for combat strategy. When playing a card, you can choose where it will be invoked on the field. To win, use the advantages of the classes to organize your attack and defense plan. When planning, also take into account the amount of energy that each card consumes and the time to recover it in the game.

Think about the order of play in South Park: Phone Destroyer

The shooters attack from a distance and perform better behind the melee area. Already the tanks can protect their characters and carry the group to the other side of the arena. The killers, on the other hand, do a lot of damage, but they have a lousy defense.

With the right combination and order, you can set the future of the match early on. So, think calmly and consider each characteristic.

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Turn on bonus warnings

The game offers daily bonuses and novelties in stores, but only change at certain time intervals. To find out when they will be available, enable the following warnings in the settings:

Step 1. Click on the cell icon at the top right of the screen;

Click on the phone icon in South Park: Phone Destroyer

Step 2. Select the "Settings" menu;

Open the settings menu in South Park: Phone Destroyer

Step 3. Check the three boxes on the "Notifications" tab.

South Park: Phone Destroyer: Check options to receive store notices and free packages

This will cause you to receive warnings on your phone whenever a free package is available or when stores update their products. Stay tuned for store discounts as they sell common cards that are needed to enhance attack, life, and character defense.

Improve your cards

The cards have attributes, hit points, attack and abilities. In addition to the regular cards and spells, you will receive items to enhance the character's power. Open the deck and use them on your cards, preferably for the stronger ones. So even if you do not get rare cards, you can still upgrade the ones you have to compete with advanced players.

Use items to improve card attributes in South Park: Phone Destroyer

It is worth mentioning that the cards have limit of improvements. Once you reach it, you will need to have copies of the same card in order to expand. So enjoy the store promotions. It sells basic and common cards for low prices. Buy matching cards and improve your characters.

Are you broke? Play multiplayer

The packs of paid cards are expensive and, with the exception of the free bonus, can only be purchased with the green notes. But if you're broke, do not worry. You can still get special packages without spending anything. As? Just playing multiplayer mode.

Win three times in multiplayer to receive a bonus package in South Park: Phone Destroyer

The bonus works as follows: the player will receive a free package every three wins in the multiplayer. However, there is also a time gap until the bonus is available again. Still, it's a great way to get letters out of packages that are paid for. Enjoy and also use the purple tickets at the Butters store.

Complete the achievements

Are you looking at paid packages and still do not have enough money? Then complete the achievements of the game. In the menu of your cell phone, you will find a conquest tab with goals that are worth money within the game. Complete as much as you can to win the greenbacks.

Complete achievements to make money in South Park: Phone Destroyer

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