Work From Shows Best Places to Work on the Internet

Working on the Internet can be the plan of many people. Work From is a collaborative platform that shows quiet places to focus on tasks. The tool is collaborative, which means that the users themselves indicate pleasant places with good structure - there are several cafes, restaurants, libraries, among other places, registered.

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Users help each other by leaving reviews and evaluating items such as Internet quality, whether they are taken to charge the computer and cell phone, or to provide the Wi-Fi password. According to its developers, Work From is the to find places to work or study.

Check out some tips to find out the best places, evaluate those who have already attended and even meet people.

Work From is a collaborative platform that allows you to find places to work on the Internet

How to create an account

Step 1. To evaluate and add new places, you need to create a service account. Go to the Work From website (// and click "Sign up" in the upper right corner;

You must register with Work From to evaluate the places

Step 2. On the page you open, create a username and enter a valid email and click "Continue";

Create a Work From User Name

Step 3. Next, access your account to verify receipt of the email. Be aware, because sometimes this type of service falls into the spam box. Click on the link, which expires three hours after sending;

Access the e-mail and click the link sent by Work From

Step 4. Okay, you're already logged in.

How to find places

Step 1. To find somewhere near you, just click the "Search nearby" button;

nearby "

Step 2. The tool will automatically search and list the locations near your location. If you want to search in a different location than where you are, just enter the zip code or the name of the place. To view the locations already evaluated on the map, click on the magnifying glass;

Work From automatically searches for places near the user

Step 2. On the next page, you can enlarge the filter in relation to the environments. First, select whether you want to go to a public environment (ie cafes, restaurants, bars, bookstores, etc.) or private (like co-working spaces, for example). If you want the first type, click on "Public", if you want the second, go to "Private". You can also opt for both;

You can choose between public and private places in Work From

Step 3. Once you've done that, you can still choose the type of environment you want. It is possible to decide if you want the place to offer alcoholic drinks and food, if it is quiet, has a family atmosphere and offers outside areas. There are also filters that show whether places can be frequented without the need for payment or consumption, if they have been recommended recently, if they have fast Wi-Fi or accept pets, among other options. Just click on the desired criterion that the filter is applied;

Filter the type of place you want to go to Work From

Step 4. After selecting the desired characteristics, simply click on the map on a red ball. A window will open. If you want more details, click on this window;

Click on the red marbles on the map that appears in Work from

Step 5. Some locations are verified by the Work From team and others indicated by regular users. So, not everyone has complete information and photos. However, on the information page, you can know the quality and password of the Wi-Fi, if it is noisy, as well as data such as number of available places, Internet page, type of seats, if there is an external environment and the ratings by written by other users.

On the page of the site, there are several important information for those who wish to work or study

How to evaluate a place

Step 1. First, you must be logged into Work From to evaluate a location. In the top menu, you will find the button "Add a space", in which you must click;

Click Add Space to search for an existing location

Step 2. Type the name of the place in the highlighted field. If the site is already registered, it will appear in the search system with a box next to it. Click on it;

In Work From, it is possible to search for establishments already registered

Step 3. Scroll down the page to the "Notes" option and write down what you found on the property. When finished, click on "Add a note". Your comment will not be published automatically, only after moderation evaluation;

Create a comment on the places visited and help other users.

Step 4. The right side menu offers some interesting options like: "Clock in", which indicates that you are in the place at that moment (and can check who is also there); "Wi-Fi", which not only evaluates the speed of the network, but informs the password to the users; "Add photo", which allows you to include your photos taken in the place; or suggest edits in the information disclosed by clicking on "Edit";

Work From offers options that can be accessed on the side

Step 5. You can also add a place to your favorites by clicking the flag at the top right of the screen.

The flagship allows you to save the place as a favorite

Add a new place

Step 1. First, you must be logged into Work From to evaluate a location. In the top menu, you will find the button "Add a space", in which you must click;

Click Add Space to search for an existing location

Step 2. Type the name of the place in the highlighted field. If it is not already registered, click on the name that appears;

Search if the location is already registered in Work From

Step 3. Next, fill in the questionnaire stating if you are using the wi-fi of the location at the moment, the characteristics of the place, the network name and the Wi-Fi password, whether it is a restaurant, cafe, bar, etc.

Fill in the information about the establishment to register it in the Work From

Step 4. Once the process is finished, just click on "Add this space" and you're done.

Click Add this Space to add a new location

It is worth mentioning that Work From is a collaborative network, so the more users evaluate and report on the conditions of the establishments, the more accurate the information about the best places to work outside the home.

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