Check out League of Legends support tips

In League of Legends, supporters are players whose main job is to protect their teammates with their skills. There are several styles of play, items and champions that can both act more conservatively as they help the damage and drive away opponents with their punches.

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More than knowing the champions and their abilities, there are several factors that must be taken into account to be a good support in Riot Games MOBA. Check out the tips to play support in League of Legends.

Check out League of Legends support tips

Stay tuned to the counters

If you find an enemy composition that makes it very difficult to act as a support, it is important to assume a more defensive and conservative stance. Avoid extreme battles against enemies, especially early in the game, as this will almost always cost your life and advantage to opponents.

Another alternative is to try to guard against the opponents' ADCs by choosing supports of damage, which will make it difficult for opponents to exploit. Champions with the ability to pull opponents close to themselves can also be a threat to shooters.

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Top Champions for Beginners

Some champions are better suited for new players

Playing as support is not exactly an easy task, especially for beginners. Fortunately, there are some easy and useful choices that are ideal for those who are still not very comfortable with the position.

  • Blitzcrank

In addition to having excellent resistance, the tank has very basic mechanical skills that can be absorbed and used quickly by new players. The pull brings enemies closer to Blitzcrank, and eases the application of your Power Handle, which deals double damage and throws the champions up, leaving them unmoved until they touch the ground.

  • Sona

Vesatility is the key word to define Sona, which has several uses on the battlefield. With the Master of the Ropes skills, you can improve your damage, heal allies, increase the speed of your teammates and stun your opponents. All this without very complex mechanics.

  • Braum

Good alternative for more defensive players, Braum uses his huge shield to avoid the opponents' blows, and can still jump to protect his teammates. In addition to the blocking, the Heart of Freljord is able to stun the opponents after hitting four consecutive blows of his team.

Use sentries to ward

Use Sentinels to Wardar in League of Legends

Sentinels are items that allow your team to track the progress of enemy champions through hidden paths on the map. An important tip is to try to keep the wards active for as long as possible to avoid surprises. To do this, combine with the other members of your team so they alternate positioning of the sentries.

Another alternative is to buy the item Vision Stone, which allows you to position up to three sentries simultaneously. This will ensure greater map coverage, with wards placed near the river (near the exit of your lane), dragon (to prevent opponents attacking you without resistance), and clumps of your route.

When the route phase is complete, try to position the sentinels next to the jungle ramps to prevent your team from flanking easily. It is also important to keep the Baron's lair monitored.

Train with support champions of different styles

Train with different media types in League of Legends

In League of Legends, support champions have a number of alternate gameplay styles, which apply to situations and compositions of different teams. To be a good supporter, it is important to experience and master all styles of champions in that category.

Among the main options are the tanks, which are usually characters with lots of life and skills that help them make a strong front line and protect their team. Another alternative is the damage supports, which reach the enemy champions and control the attacks of the rivals. Lastly, healing supports are responsible for keeping the lives of your allies high, usually they are more retreated and have evasive abilities.

Get to know your support build

Know the build of your support in League of Legends

Builds are the sets of items purchased by players during matches. With them, you can prepare your champion for different situations, such as improving your stamina, increasing healing power, and ensuring a wider viewing area on the map.

In the case of media, some items are essential in building your build. Items containing the Stone of Sight (reveals opponents' standing in the jungle), Redemption (healing allies in a selected area), and Iron Solari Medallion (guards shield to all nearby allies) are great options to maximize your support utilities .

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