Check out tips and cheats to play The Sims 4: Family Life

The Sims 4: Family Life is an EA game pack available for purchase and download paid on Windows, Mac and, in future, on PS4 and Xbox One. In it, Sims can learn the skill of Creation and Education to have a family happy and well-behaved. Adults are now able to educate children, a factor that unlocks new personality traits. See tips and cheats for character values.

Read the review of The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs

Creation and education

The new ability plays a major role in the care and education of infants, toddlers and teens of The Sims 4. Adult Sims have the option of influencing positive and negative behaviors that will eventually reflect on Young Adult's life, releasing unique traits of the Family Life package.

Creation and Education is the new skill of The Sims 4: Family Life

The best way to improve the ability of Creation and Education is through practice, with interactions. Sim can opt for a smoother, steadier or more intense approach when it comes to encouraging or discouraging your child's attitudes. Some children are more stubborn than others and the Sim will have to be more insistent on their commands.

Character Values

These interactions will determine the Character Values, indicators that show the Sim's ability to adapt and behave to the events of his daily life. Babies, children, and teens receive or lose them based on their personal, affective interactions and especially on how their parents react to those behaviors.

The Character Values ​​that determine the traits of adult life in The Sims 4: Family Life

There are five character values ​​that can be influenced in a positive and negative way: Education, Responsibility, Conflict Resolution, Empathy and Emotional Control. But how important are they? When a Sim becomes a Young Adult, these points become permanent and become a personality trait .

In total, there are ten new traits that directly affect the life, work and conviviality with other Sims. Also be aware of the child's personality. Some early traits, such as Relaxed or Infantile, already generate negative points. The good news is that this can be reversed with positive actions. Check below the list for each criterion:

Dropping a Cause Negative Effect on Character Values ​​in The Sims 4: Family Life


Positive behaviorsNegative behaviors
Have the dash AsseadoHave the dash Relaxed
Teach to say Please and Thank youBlow and Blow Pum
Friendly presentationsTo curse
Prepare the TableRudes Presentations
Wash dishesTake off clothes near strangers
To praise
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Playing in the toilet makes the child lose points in Responsibility in The Sims 4: Family Life


Positive behaviorsNegative behaviors
Have the Perfectionist TraitHave the Child Trait
Complete a School ProjectTake bad notes
Do the homeworkSkip school or work
Take good gradesQuit your job
Making Homemade SnacksMake mess
Going well in part-time employmentToying in the toilet
Disobeying punishment
Violate time limit
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Teaching the child to apologize gives positive points in Conflict Resolution in The Sims 4: Family Life

Conflict resolution

Positive behaviorsNegative behaviors
Reconcile after arguing
Apologize after a negative interaction
Ask for forgivenessHave the Hot Spike Trace
Find Point in CommonDeclare enmity
Try to talkHave a despised relationship
Teaching to ApologizeFighting with other Sims
Make up after fightingEngage in discussions
Try to improve bad relationships
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Trying to soothe is a way to earn positive points in Empathy in The Sims 4: Family Life


Positive behaviorsNegative behaviors
Have the Good TraitHave the Malicious or Evil Trait
Volunteer with the familyMalicious social interactions
Playing with the Medical SetShout with another Sim
Ask about Negative HumorControl on the computer
Calm, cheer or comfort for deathHitting on a stuffed animal
Laugh at Shame or Mock Sadness
Underestimate Fury
Minimize Importance of Stress
Mock Discomfort
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Running to Relax Improves Emotional Control in The Sims 4: Family Life

Emotional control

Positive behaviorsNegative behaviors
Have the Yes Insurance featureHave the Jealous or Insane Trait
Write in the DiaryHaving a Nervous Collapse
Run to RelaxPush or Bite another Yes
Listening to the Classics to RelaxTap into another Sim
Play Instruments to RelaxBreaking the Doll House
Play with EmotionDestroying School Projects
Blog About Feelings
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Want a perfect child? Some cheats may help in The Sims 4: Family Life

Cheats for The Sims 4: Family Life

Just like in real life, kids require a lot of time and patience from their parents. So we've prepared a list of cheats for you to reach the maximum level of Creation and Education skill and unlock all positive (or negative) character values:

Skill and Character Values

It is madeCode
Increase Creation and Education Skillsstats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Parenting [1 to 10]
Educationstats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_Manners [-100 to 100]
Emotional controlstats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_EmotionalControl [-100 to 100]
Responsibletraits.equip_trait lifeskills_Responsibility [-100 to 100]
Empathytats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_Empathy [-100 to 100]
Conflict resolutionstats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_ConflictResolution [-100 to 100]
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Add personality trait

It is madeCode
Educatedtraits.equip_trait goodmanners
Rudetraits.equip_trait badmanners
Responsibletraits.equip_trait lifeskills_responsible
Irresponsibleirresponsible traits.equip_trait
Campassivotraits.equip_trait compassionate
Insensitivetraits.equip_trait unfeeling
Mediatortraits.equip_trait mediator
Argumentativetraits.equip_trait argumentative
Emotional controltrains.equip_trait emotionalcontrol
Uncontrolled Emotionsuncontrolled traits.equip_trait
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To remove a stroke, replace the traits.equip_trait with traits.remove_trait. Example: traits.remove_trait Argumentative.

Phases of childhood and adolescence

Clumsy (childhood)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_loud
Bear (childhood)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_bear
Sticky (childhood)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_clingy
Lonely (adolescence)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_distant
Malicious (adolescence)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_meanstreak
Rebel (adolescence)traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_rebellious
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