Fortnite Battle Royale: how to collect letters more easily

In its Battle Royale mode, Fortnite has a number of challenges for players to complete and gather stars to evolve into the Battle Pass Category. One of these challenges, and the most fun, is the collection of letters that form the word "Fortnite", scattered throughout the map of the game.

The detail is that the letters have no fixed location, but there are places where it is easier to find them, allowing their progress to grow faster. Know the main places and the tip to speed up. Fortnite Battle Royale is available for free for PS4, Xbox One, PC and iOS.

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Fortnite Battle Royale: how to collect letters more easily

The letters

As we mentioned, there are eight letters in total, composing the word FORTNITE, according to the game logo. They are scattered across many points on the map and can be collected in any game mode, including temporary ones.

Fortnite Battle Royale: Letters stand on top of objects

No need to collect the letters in a specific order. Regardless of when you get the "F", for example, this will always be your first letter. Then comes the "O", then the "R", the "T" and so on.

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The letters always lie on top of some object: on top of a chimney, on top of an antenna, on top of a cross of a grave. To get, just get close, aim and use the collect button.

Finally, on the map below, you check out the main locations where the letters appear, wrapped in orange:

Fortnite Battle Royale: See the main locations where the letters appear

Whenever possible, try to fall into one of them, since starting the game is the easiest way to get the letters, without opponents trying to eliminate you.

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