
How to find smart TV cheaper with Compare

Users interested in buying a cheap smart TV can find the lowest prices of Brazilian e-commerce in Compare. Through the platform, you can use the specific filters to find products according to manufacturer, such as LG, Samsung and Sony, average price, technologies and models. The results are shown with the lowest value listed, guaranteeing access to online stores that have the device available.

READ: 4K TV in Brazil already has cheaper option

In the following tutorial, check out how to use the TechTudo price comparator to find smart TVs at the best price on the market in Brazil. The procedure was performed in the site version for PCs, but the tips also apply to searches made on smartphones and other mobile devices.

READ: Discover ten myths and truths about 4K smart TVs

Tutorial shows how to use the Compare platform to find TVs or Smart TVs at the best price

Step 1. Go to the Compare website and move the mouse to "TVs". Then select the main feature you are looking for;

Access the search for TVs

Step 2. Now, in the left sidebar of the results page, you can define a filter for the maximum and minimum price. In addition, you can select a specific brand;

Setting filters

Step 3. Right below, you can choose the screen size and whether the TV should be smart or not. The results are updated automatically after each modification;

Setting filters

Step 4. Still in the left sidebar, you can select a screen type and other filter options, such as setting, connectivity, and resolution;

Setting filters

Step 5. In the upper right corner of the results, you can sort the items for the lowest price. In this way, cheaper products will appear first;

Changing Order of Results

Step 6. Click on the product of your interest. If no results are displayed, try changing the filters - you can remove the selected options at the top of the page. Click on the "X" to remove;

Viewing Search Results

Step 7. Now, just click on "Buy Cheaper" to go to the store site with the best price for the product and proceed with the purchase. Scroll down the page to see price in other stores, price history and TV description.

Buying product in the cheapest store

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