Google's Lite Lite saves internet usage on Android; see how to use

Google's Android search app can help save mobile internet with a little-known function. Called Lite Mode, the tool promises to reduce the use of mobile smartphone data by up to 80% by simplifying search results.

By default, searching can consume a lot of the data package by displaying graphics, images, and even video suggestions. With Lite Mode enabled, Google App makes the process simpler with less multimedia content. Here's how to use the function in your phone. Before you begin, it's worth pointing out that the app comes standard on most Android phones, but can also be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

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Step 1. Open Google App, and at the top of the main page tap the three-line icon to open the app menu.

Open the top menu to access settings

Step 2. With the menu tab open, scroll down to "Lite Mode". In the next section, tap "Always on" to drag the key and trigger the save feature.

Drag the key to activate Lite Mode in Google App

Step 3. From this, just do searches by the application or the Google widget on Android so you save money from your mobile phone. While Lite Mode is active, the message "Lite Mode - Touch to activate the default" will be at the top of the application interface. For those who want to disable the economic mode, just touch the warning.

In the image below, you can see that Google App reduces data consumption by making the results simpler, with fewer images and news carousels, for example.

Difference in results with Lite Mode enabled (left) and disabled (right)

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