
How to find cheap air tickets on Skyscanner in a specific month

Skyscanner allows you to find the cheapest flights at a specific time. It is possible to know the days of a month more in account to travel or even find out what is the best month of the year to buy tickets. The latter is useful for anyone who plans to travel in advance and wants to save money. Use the Skyscanner site to find the best times to travel, with the cheapest flight tickets. The procedure was done in the web version of the tool, by the PC.

How to get the best price

Use the flight search controls above to start a new search

Step 1. Go to the Skyscanner site and set the boarding airport, destination city and other necessary information. Now click on the outbound date and select the "Full month" tab. Then choose the month you want to fetch;

Select the month of your trip by Skyscanner

Step 2. You can also select "Cheapest Month" to check the value of tickets in the cheapest month in a year;

Find the month with cheapest tickets on the travel site

Step 3. The days of the selected month or the cheapest month (in the case of the previous alternative) will be displayed. In this way, it is allowed to check the prices of the tickets every day. The cheapest is indicated in green;

See the value of the tickets on the days of the month on the website

Step 4. Choose your return dates and go to "Show flights" to check the available times and other details;

Choose the return date and time to see the schedules at Skyscanner

Step 5. Round-trip flights available on selected days will be displayed. If you prefer, you can click on "Cheapest" to prioritize the most accessible passages. Click "See More" to know the details of the flight and make the purchase.

Select the desired flight from the options available on the chosen day at Skyscanner

Ready. Enjoy the tips to discover the days and months of the year with cheaper tickets and save on the next trips.

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