
How to enable the native mode of the new YouTube

YouTube gained a new look that made the layout of the platform simpler and more intuitive. You can also use the dark mode natively. This way, the user can activate the feature without having to install extensions in the browser or to appeal to YouTube Gaming. Check out the tip below and learn how to turn on the native dark mode of the video sharing site. The function is useful for watching videos more comfortably at night, without overshadowing the view with the bright white background of the computer screen.

Placing featured content on a YouTube channel

Learn how to turn on the native video site's dark mode

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Step 1. Activate the new YouTube interface. To do so, go to the site ( and click on "Go to YouTube";

Turn on the new YouTube layout

Step 2. Now in the upper right corner of the screen, click on your profile photo and in the menu that appears, go to "Dark Mode";

Access the YouTube Options Menu

Step 3. Finally, check "Enable dark mode". The dark mode will be instantly activated;

Turning on YouTube's native dark mode

Step 4. Afterwards, if you want to disable the dark mode, simply go back to the option and deactivate it.

Turning off YouTube's dark mode

Ready! With this simple tip, you can use YouTube's native dark mode and watch videos more comfortably at night.

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