
How to put chip in iPhone XS

The iPhone XS stole the scene by adopting eSIM technology, entitled to a kind of virtual chip in addition to the traditional physical chip. While the Brazilian phone operators do not adopt the technology, the owners of the cellphone of Apple count on the regular SIM card for the resources of making calls, exchanging messages and accessing the Internet 4G. In the following lines, see how to put the chip in the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Smartphones support nano SIM cards.

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Learn how to put chip in iPhone XS

1. Locate the tool to remove the tray from the phone. It's in the phone box.

Locate the tool to remove the tray from the iPhone XS

2. Find the iPhone tray. It is located on the right side of the phone.

Locate the tray on the side of the iPhone XS

3. Place the tool into the hole in the tray and push it in. Then pull.

Remove the tray from iPhone XS

4. Position the chip as in the image below. Then load the tray into your mobile phone and use it normally.

Put the chip in the iPhone XS tray

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