
How to play in the new Pokémon GO gyms and tips to win

The Pokémon GO is the game of Niantic and Nintendo for Android and iPhone (iOS) that turned fever. In June 2017, the game received a major update, which redefined the mechanics of the gyms and brought a system of raids, as well as new gifts and items. To help you understand the changes and master the gyms, I've put together some tips in this tutorial.

Meet the new monsters, items and berries of Pokémon GO

The new gyms

Just play Pokémon GO after downloading the automatic update to notice a big difference in the layout and interface of the gyms, which have changed form and function. All the old gyms started to function as Pokétops as well.

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That is, now you can also visit gyms and rotate your point on the map to get items such as Pokéballs and Potions. To do this, click on the gym, and then on the symbol located in the lower right corner of the screen. Rotate the photodisc as shown in the image below.

Pokémon GO: new gyms give items, like Pokétops

The power of motivation

Now, Pokémon defend gyms by working with a motivation system. As soon as the little monster enters the team of defenders of the place, his heart (the motivation meter) will be full, and he will maintain the position while he still has at least one point of motivation remaining.

The problem is that the points are drained automatically over time, and also by losing fights for the challengers. If the creature is defeated by a rival when it has no points, it will lose its rank, so stay tuned.

Pokémon Go: Hearts measure the monster's motivation

Berries for strength

To defend a gym, it must be vacant or occupied by the team you chose, just as in the old version of Pokémon GO. To take up a gym, you need to take away all the motivation of your guardians, and then designate your own little monster there.

To do this, click the "Assign Pokémon" button and choose any of your collection. After that, monitor your motivation by clicking on the Gym. If it is falling, click on the berries to feed your friend, as this process restores your motivation points.

Pokémon Go: new gyms do not accept repeated Pokémon

New rewards

After the upgrade, it became easier to win prizes for defending gyms. Each time your Pokémon is actively protecting the location, your trainer will earn a coin. Just remember that there can not be two Pokémon of the same species in one gym at a time.

The balance will be automatically transferred to your account as soon as your little monster is removed from the gym by a rival. However, it is best to be careful because if he stays there for less than an hour, you will not earn a single cent.

Pokémon Go: Click this icon to designate a Pokémon to the gym

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Master Insignia

When attacking enemies or protecting your own gym, your trainer will gain the new GO Pokémon Badges. They begin at the basic level, but can be upgraded to Bronze, Silver, and Gold qualities.

Each level brings more and better rewards by spinning the disk of items from the Gym Pokémon that yielded the Insignia. To improve your Insignia, give berries to the Pokémon that protect the gym, keep an active guardian, or win fights at the Gym.

Pokémon Go: Insignia are new items associated with your performance

Fell in the raid, it's Magikarp

The gyms upgrade also brought an unprecedented Reides system in which coaches can work in teams to overcome difficult challenges. Randomly, a large egg and a time marker will appear on gyms to warn that a Reide will begin.

Each Reide lasts up to five minutes and can hold a maximum of 20 players at a time. When you beat the boss of Reide, you earn rewards like Rare Candies, Razz Golden Berries and Technical Machines, so always take your little monster with higher CP to improve your chances of winning the duel.

Pokémon Go: the new gyms are the home of the raids

During gym fights, the best strategy to win is to hit the opponent until your special purple bar, located in the upper left corner of the screen, is full. At this point, hold the touch screen to deliver a powerful blow. Also remember to slide your finger on the screen at the time of enemy blows to dodge.

What is the most difficult little monster to catch in Pokémon Go? Comment on the forum!