Skype Interview wins code editor on video calls for two

Microsoft has released the Preview version of a function in Skype that may be useful for job interview techniques - such as for programmers, for example. With this, Skype Interview gains a feature that integrates a code editor directly into the video call, allowing the recruiter to follow the candidate's test in real time. Novelty avoids the work of running a video-call app and a side-by-side editor, making the selection process easier.

How to use the new Skype Preview in Windows and MacOS

The tool, for the time being, is unique to Skype Web, works in Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers - which must have the language set to English - and supports seven languages: C, C ++, C #, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby . See how it works.

Skype Interview wins code editor for two-person video calls

Step 1. Access Skype Interview ( on a Windows or MacOS computer using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers (version 32 or higher). When opening the page, click "Start interview";

Access Skype Interview

Step 2. Skype automatically creates a session and provides an access link for sending to guests. Copy and share with participants or click "Go to interview" to start the interview;

Get the session link

Step 3. There are two options to start participating in the call: using a Microsoft or Skype account, or typing your name to connect as a guest. Choose one of the alternatives and advance;

Sign in with Skype or guest login

Step 4. On entering, you will see an online code editor with a panel to the right that shows the code execution;

Skype has built-in code editor

Step 5. On the left side, touch the blue button to select the programming language. Initially, Skype Interview is compatible with C, C ++, C #, Java, JavaScript, Python and Ruby;

Skype offers seven programming languages

Step 6. If you are the interviewer, just click on "Start video interview" to start the video call;

Start video call

Step 7. The video window is floating and can be moved so as not to disturb the schedule in the interview.

Video window floats over the code editor

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