Facebook Watch is released in Brazil; learn how to use

Facebook Watch is the Facebook video platform launched to compete directly with YouTube. The novelty, available to Brazilian users as of this Wednesday (29), brings together the content published by the pages you follow. The platform works integrated to the social network application, in the mobile.

In the following walkthrough, check out how to access and use the main functions of Facebook Watch. The procedure was performed on an iPhone 8 with iOS 12, but the tips also apply to users of Android phones.

Learn how to use Facebook Watch on your phone

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Step 1. To access Facebook Watch, open the Facebook application and tap on the icon represented by a TV. On the main page of the platform, the pages you follow are listed, and below, video recommendations.

Accessing Facebook Watch on mobile

Step 2. Tap "See All" to the right of "List to Watch, " to see the latest videos posted on every page you follow.

Viewing list of pages you follow on Facebook Watch

Step 3. If you want to remove pages from the list, touch "Personalize" in the upper right corner of the screen. Use the check box to the right of the name to mark or unmark a page. Then touch "Finish" to save.

Customizing pages viewed on Facebook Watch

Step 4. To see all videos published by a particular page, touch the name of the page. Videos are displayed chronologically, with the youngest videos at the top. You can enable or disable live video alerts under "Receive notifications."

Enabling or disabling video notifications

Step 5. Touch the button in the upper right corner of the screen to access the settings. In the menu that appears, you can access the page on Facebook, share it with your friends or stop following in Facebook Watch the videos published by the page.

Facebook Page settings

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