Nubank Rewards: How to unsubscribe from the Points program

The cancellation of the subscription of the Nubank Rewards benefits program can be done by the credit card app itself. The option may be valid for those who do not want to continue with the service after the free trial month or feel the benefits do not make up for the investment. The user can suspend the link at any time, which company reimburses the proportional amount and charges only the time the program became active. However, once the membership is terminated, all points accumulated until then are permanently lost.

The rewards program, available for Android and iPhone (iOS) phones, aims to retain customer loyalty and offer options for reducing the value of the invoice from a point accumulation process. The automatic revocation serves to give more autonomy to the client, since it can interfere in the own decisions in a more dynamic and free way. To understand the Nubank Reward subscription cancellation steps, check out the following tutorial.

Is Nubank Rewards Worth It? Learn how the points program works

Signature of the points program is canceled natively within the Nubank app

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Step 1. Open the Nubank app and tap the top of the screen where "N [user name]" is written to access the settings - another alternative is to slide the main screen up. In the menu that opens, go to "Configure Reward";

Access Nubank app settings

Step 2. Click "Unsubscribe." Then the service requests a justification for the cancellation. Write the reason as you see fit, in the blank field. For iOS devices a roulette wheel with answering options is displayed;

Write the reason why you want to unsubscribe from Nubank Rewards

Step 3. Enter the text, the option "Cancel Rewards" will appear at the bottom of the screen. Touch it. Confirm your decision by choosing "Cancel Rewards" again in the window that will appear next. After you follow these steps, your subscription to the points program will be canceled, and points will automatically expire and can not be used to write down invoice amounts.

Cancel Nubank Rewards

Ready. Take the hint and cancel Nubank Rewards anytime.

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